Every morning, as I step onto my new deck, I am greeted by the sweet symphony of birds chirping and the breathtaking view of the Coosa River stretching all the way to the Appalachian foothills in the distance.
With my coffee in hand, I watch as steam rises into the crisp air and nature awakens before my eyes. Mallards swoop gracefully onto the water, hawks survey the land for their morning meal, and herons wade patiently, fishing in the gentle current.

It is a moment of quiet reflection—a time to marvel at the beauty of God’s creation and to recognize His hand in every season of life: past, present, and future.
Looking back, I see a past I never imagined I would have, a present that at times feels surreal, and a future that remains unknown but firmly in God’s hands. I remember my journey—from a cadet marching on the field to a young man told he wasn’t smart enough for college. From overcoming dyslexia and leaving my Appalachian home for a distant college football program, only to struggle with assimilation and return home. From finding a team where I truly belonged to building lifelong friendships. From barely graduating from The University of Alabama to becoming a young sales rep who, against all odds, earned accolades and success over a 38-year career. From saving my ex-wife’s family business to launching my own. From becoming a coach to retiring from the corporate world, only to be called back—this time for a divine purpose—to establish a nonprofit God placed on my heart.

Life is like a tapestry, with connections woven together by the Master’s hand. Some threads run long, forming lasting bonds, while others, for reasons only He knows, end abruptly. I have experienced life-altering moments and now live with a life-altering illness, yet God’s faithfulness remains steadfast.
Now, just seven days after the sixth One Yard at a Time Gala, I am still in awe of the power of my God—my Lord and Savior—who, for reasons beyond my understanding, chose to save a sinner like me. In my human frailty, I have stumbled, yet He has always extended mercy, even when I failed to follow where He was leading.

Though I would never compare myself to Jeremiah, I do find echoes of his story in my own journey. Like many before me, I have wrestled with God’s calling, sometimes trying to hold onto things He was asking me to let go. Yet, I trust that His plans are far greater than mine. I believe in free will, but I also know that God, the Alpha and the Omega, exists beyond time. He orchestrates every step, introducing people into our lives and sometimes removing them, all to fulfill His purpose.
On Friday night, I witnessed the fruits of His work through the talents and skills He has entrusted to me. I saw an organization that began with just 90 people at its first One Yard at a Time Gala grow into one that welcomed over 400 guests at its sixth. From three sponsorships to 48, from a small local presence to reaching corporations from Los Angeles, Little Rock, and even Toronto, God’s hand has been evident.

I saw how we once struggled to secure auction items yet now had an abundance—trips, signed basketballs, two Polaris side-by-sides, live artist paintings, and incredible football packages. I saw our humble beginnings with a high school color guard grow into a ceremony led by the United States Air Force, a unit that recently returned from active combat in the Middle East and Africa. What started with makeshift entertainment had now transformed into a vibrant celebration with a live band.
Most importantly, I saw you—the heart of the Lettermen of the USA. You, our angel investors, patrons, sponsors, and new members, are the lifeblood of this mission. Because of you, our impact is growing beyond Central Alabama into Tennessee and beyond. By God’s grace, I observed you, and through you, I see His faithfulness at work.
May we continue to walk in faith, trusting that He who began this good work in us will carry it to completion, one yard at a time. To God be the glory!
Darryl Fuhrman
Founder and President
Lettermen of the USA